Monday, March 22, 2010

A conundrum:

On the first day that I started my cocktailing job, I was told that I would make better tips by pretending to be single. I tried this out for the first month. I did not like it. Acknowledging that one is single is apparently like saying "Why yes, I DO want to fuck you!" When I'm "single" I get groped and pestered constantly. On the annoying-but-not-harmful end of the scale, I get invitations to parties and requests for my phone number. On the more obscene side, I get hands up my skirt and comments like "I bet you'd really like to suck my dick!" Ah, the audacity of drunk men!

For the first time, last night, I decided that I would be honest. I was serving a group of young men and one of them pulled me aside and told me that his friend, John, was in love with me and wanted to know if I had a boyfriend. I told him yes. The next time I came around to their table, John got up and started yelling at me about how I only wanted to take advantage of him and steal his money. He then stomped off to a different part of the club and sat by himself and glowered. When I went to ask him if he needed anything (because he had a tab with me), he could only scowl and insult me. He then stormed off, making it very clear that he didn't plan to leave me a tip, and never came back. As much as I dislike not being tipped (I only make 4.25$ per hour), the joke was really on him, because I still had his credit card and ID and he probably woke up the next morning with a nasty hangover and no idea where his shit was. What a douche.

Do you see the problem here? If I lie, it's assumed that I'm fair game and I can't get any peace. If I'm honest, I don't make money. What am I supposed to do? I mean Jesus Christ. I'm just a waitress. I just want to serve drinks.

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